CHM release – The Coos History Museum (CHM) will be hosting the final First Tuesday Talk program for 2022, on December 6, 2022 at 6:00 PM. This program will be hosted ONLINE ONLY using Zoom webinar format. $5.00 for non-members; members are free. Join language teacher and story teller, Patricia Whereat-Phillips for a night of traditional stories of the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw people from the Oregon Coast. “One of the things that is core to indigenous culture and heritage is a relationship to the land and much of that is contained with the stories and names.” –Patti Whereat-Phillips. To register for this program and receive the link to the webinar, please visit the Coos History Museum’s website or register at the Coos History Museum’s front desk. You may also contact the museum via email at or by phone at 541-756-6320. Established in 1891, The Coos County Historical Society is an Oregon 501(c)3 not for profit organization and the 2nd oldest historical society in the State. For more information about the Society and the Coos History Museum, visit or email