Coos Bay Budget Committee
The City of Coos Bay Budget Committee will meet on Thursday, May 2, 2024 – 7:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers, 500 Central Avenue. Zoom Remote Attendance Link and YouTube Link Agenda: 1.Election of Officers; 2.Presentation of Budget Message by Budget Officer; a. Presentation; 3.Review of Proposed Budget; a. Proposed 2024-2025 Budget; 4. Public Hearing – Citizen Input on the Use of State Revenue Sharing Funds; 5. Required Motions for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Proposed Budget; a. Motion to Approve Permanent Tax Rate; b. Motion to Approve Imposing General Obligation Bonded Debt; c. Motion to Approve Proposed Budget for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025; 6. Public Comments; a. Public Comment; 7. Adjourn, or recess to May 9, 2024, if necessary.
City of Coos Bay URA Budget Work Session
The City of Coos Bay Urban Renewal Agency Budget Committee will meet on Thursday, May 2, 2024 – 6:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers, 500 Central Avenue. Agenda: 1. Welcome and Introductions; 2. Overview of Municipal Budgeting in Oregon; a. Presentation; 3. Election of Officers; 4. Presentation of Budget Message by Budget Officer; a. Presentation; 5. Review of Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; a. Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; 6. Required Motions for Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; a. Motion to Approve “Option 1” Pursuant to ORS 457.435(2)(a); b. Motion to Approve Imposing the Division of Taxes and Special Levy Option Taxes; c. Motion to Approve Proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget; 7. Public Comments; a. Public Comment; 8. Adjourn, or recess to May 9, 2024, if necessary.