City of Coos Bay release – Committee Openings – The City of Coos Bay is seeking volunteers to fill openings on the Library Board and the Tree Board. Applications are available from the City Manager’s Office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, by calling 541-269-8912, or on the City’s website at or sending an email to Jackie Mickelson at Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Thursday, September 3rd. Applicants will be contacted for interviews, and appointments will be made by the City Council at the September 15th regular council meeting. Library Board – The Library Board, Coos Bay Municipal Code 2.25, was established by Ordinance No. 57 and consists of seven members. The term of office is four years. Up to three board members may at any one time reside in Coos County within the boundaries of School Dist. 9 but outside the city limits of Coos Bay. Members shall be limited to serving no more than two full consecutive terms; however, any person may be reappointed after an interval of one year. There is currently one opening on the Board. Tree Board – The Tree Board, Coos Bay Municipal Code 8.30, was established by ordinance No. 181 for the purpose of providing regulations for the planting and protection of trees and shrubs within the City of Coos Bay. The Board consists of up to eight members appointed by the City Council for four-year terms, and they meet on an as-needed basis. There are currently two openings on the Board.