City of Coos Bay Coos Bay Places Moratorium on New Applications for Vacation Rentals, Aug. 10

City of Coos Bay newsletter, Aug. 6th, In recent years, the City has had a land use and business license permitting system in place to authorize vacation rentals for Coos Bay visitors. A group of concerned citizens has requested a moratorium on future vacation rental applications. On August 3, the City Council engaged with community members about their concerns and placed a moratorium on new applications for vacation rentals in residentially zoned areas. This moratorium does not affect currently permitted and licensed vacation rental homes or vacation rental applications in commercially zoned areas. The Council instructed a Planning Commission review of vacation rental regulations on October 12, 2021 at 6 p.m. This time will provide an opportunity for more public input and an opportunity for the Planning Commission to provide suggestions to the Council for future action. For questions, please contact Carolyn Johnson, Community Development Administrator at 541-269-8924 or