City of Coos Bay Disaster Preparedness, March 14

City of Coos Bay Newsletter, Friday, March 11, 2022 – More Provisions for Disaster Preparedness – The City of Coos Bay received a shipment of emergency preparedness supplies this week that will significantly improve post-disaster recovery efforts for the community. The City has already stockpiled cots, blankets, food, water, and other necessities to provide assistance for up to 1600 people. In cooperation with the Coos Bay School District, these resources are stored at, or near the schools around the community. The City plans to set aside a portion of these disaster relief supplies to be stored at the new library in the Empire district since it will likely be the center for city recovery efforts in the Empire area. These freeze-dried meals from Mountain House will add two meals per day for two weeks for an additional 800 people. The entrees include: Beef Stroganoff with Noodles, Chicken with Rice, Lasagna with Meat Sauce, and Chili Mac with Beef. Being freeze-dried, Mountain House meals require water for rehydration, but have a 30-year shelf life. The majority of these emergency preparedness supplies have been purchased with assistance from state and federal grant funds. While the City has been planning for community recovery from a natural or man-made disaster, it is essential that everyone do what they can to be “2-weeks Ready” or self-sufficient for at least 14 days following a disaster. For more information on how to prepare your home and family, contact the Coos Bay Fire Department or visit