City of North Bend release – (copy of certified letter sent from North Bend City Administrator David Milliron to Theresa Cook, Executive Director of the Coos County Airport District, dated Jan. 31, 2023) – ‘The City of North Bend and its Governing Body recognize the importance of quality commercial air service to the local and regional economy through improved access for visitors and, most importantly, to support area businesses, organizations, and institutions in promoting and fostering economic development opportunities on Oregon’s South Coast. Therefore, the City remains committed to helping CCAD’s effort to expand aviation travel and services in North Bend and beyond. However, the North Bend City Council voted 7-0 at its Business Meeting on January 24, 2023, to cancel an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) signed by the Coos County Airport District (CCAD) on November 15, 2012, and the North Bend City Administrator on January 30, 2013. The City Council provided 90 days for CCAD to renegotiate a new agreement in good faith with the City or to secure other services to meet its TSA/Homeland Security obligations. Police Chief Gary McCullough nor City Administrator David Milliron was aware of the IGA until TSA/Homeland Security brought it to the Chief’s attention in April 2022. Chief McCullough has since proactively and consistently informed the TSA/Homeland Security and CCAD personnel that his department lacks the necessary staffing and resources to abide by the agreement, which requires a fifteen (15) minute response to a TSA request. The City is otherwise obligated to respond to 9-1-1 emergencies, per Oregon Law. North Bend Police and Fire will continue to respond to emergencies at the Airport in the same manner and service level provided to others within our community.”