Commission meets online, Feb. 18

SALEM, Ore.—The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet online Friday, Feb. 18 beginning at 8 a.m.  See the meeting agenda and watch a livestream of the meeting at To testify on one of the agenda topics, register no later than Wednesday, Feb. 16 by 8 a.m. (48 hours prior to the meeting) at this link See the last page of the agenda for other ways to register to testify. Comments can also be emailed to A public forum for people to comment on topics not on the agenda is scheduled for Friday morning after the Director’s report. To participate in the public forum, contact the ODFW Director’s office at (503) 947-6044 or email by Wednesday, Feb. 16 at 8 a.m. (48 hours prior to the meeting).  Amend rules for commercial squid fishery to establish a limited entry control date and modify net specifications: The commercial market squid fishery is a relatively new opportunity in Oregon, and the Commission adopted several rules in March 2021 to promote sustainability of the resource and fishery. Uncertainty about appropriate catch and participation levels and other questions remained so staff are proposing additional regulation changes.  The Commission will also hear updates on the current population status of lower Columbia River white sturgeon and a review of 2021 sturgeon fisheries. Under Other Business, the Commission will discuss a petition that they recently received requesting a Declaratory Ruling regarding North Umpqua summer steelhead hatchery smolt releases for 2022. The Commission may also meet in executive session (held pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(f)) to consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection, as well as to consult with legal counsel concerning legal rights and duties regarding current litigation likely to be filed as authorized by ORS 192.660 (2)(h). Representatives of the news media may attend the executive session by contacting the Director’s Office prior to the meeting. Representatives of the news media are specifically directed not to report on any of the deliberations during the executive session, except to state the general subject of the session.