Gather your Bulldog or Pirate spirit to clean up Highway 101 in preparation for National Tourism Week. Meet at the CB Visitor Center at 9:00 am on Saturday, May 3. Choose to join the North Bend or the Coos Bay team collecting trash and removing weeds from Highway 101 until 11am. Then we will meet at the North Bend Fire Hall on 1880 McPherson for a final trash tally to see if the Bulldog or Pirate team will receive the Brigade Trash Trophy and for a barbeque hosted by the NB Fire Department and sponsored by NW Natural. We have Rachel Richardson of Rachel Richardson Realty as the Bulldog Captain, who would like to be the Co-Captain for the Bulldogs? Who/What businesses with Bulldog Pride would like to join the Bulldog team? Let’s not forget the Coos Bay Team!!-Bring on your Pirate Spirit and volunteer yourself and/or your business to be a Pirate Captain, Co-Captain or team member! *All participating Chamber businesses will have their business name included in our press releases and listed at the Barbeque event. Can’t be available from 9-12 on May 3 but still want to help? You could: -Help pick up items in advance from NW Natural and bring to the NB Fire Station; -Help grill hot dogs and hamburgers from 11-12; -Donate a door prize drawing; -Help with set-up or clean-up; -Spread the word-hang a flier in your business, email the upcoming notices to friends! RSVP to Deborah Rudd (BACC Tourism Committee Chair) by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16TH AT4:00 PM, 541-888-5558 EXT. 58/DEBORAH.RUDD@STATE.OR.US

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