Connect 2 Oregon Conference in Brookings November 6

Southwestern Oregon Community College’s Small Business Development Center (Southwestern SBDC) has aligned with The Department of Administrative Services along with partners from local, state, and federal agencies to launch a track of training events – C2O – Connect to Oregon. The conference is scheduled for November 6, 2014 at the Curry campus of Southwestern Oregon Community College, 96082 Lone Ranch Parkway, Brookings. Workshops include: • Government Lending Programs (Lending solutions for local lenders): Who should attend: bank, credit union and economic development institutions and personnel. Training will provide leaders with alternate resources to facilitate loans to small business that may not otherwise qualify for traditional lending. Workshop is from 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm. Registration is available at • Vendor Training (Practical approach to government contracting): Who should attend: Those looking to conduct business with local, state and federal agencies. Agency representatives will be on hand to answer your questions and provide technical guidance to clarify the contracting procurement processes. Workshop is from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Registration is available at
2-oregon-doing-businesswith-local-state-and-federal-agenciestickets-13861182169. • Government to Government Purchasing Training (Important cost savings available to local agencies): Who should attend: local government purchasing staff, administrative staff, project managers, facilities and public works maintenance staff, local leaders, transit districts, non-profits, special districts, and tribes. Workshop is from 8:30 am – 11:30 am. Registration is available at
2-oregon-government-togovernment-purchasing-and-resource-sharingtickets-13791052409. These events are FREE and are a collaborative effort by local, state and federal government agencies to provide practical training on certification, contracting as well as business finance programs to strengthen local communities. If you would like more information about this event please contact the Southwestern Oregon Community College Small Business Development Center at 541-756-6866 or