Hunters can now check to see if they drew a big game tag for the fall by visiting the My Hunter Information website or calling 1-866-947-6339. Hunters will need to provide their Hunter/Angler ID#, which is printed on all ODFW license documents and stays the same from year to year. They can call ODFW’s licensing division at 503-947-6101 if they are unable to locate their ID#. A total of 137,015 fall big game hunt tags were available in the draw this year. ODFW received 407,402 fall controlled hunt applications, up from 389,172 last year. As results are available both online and by phone, ODFW no longer mails postcards notifying applicants of controlled hunt draw results. ODFW limits the number of tags for some hunts to control hunting pressure and fairly distribute tags for popular hunts. All eastern Oregon rifle deer hunting, pronghorn, bighorn sheep and Rocky Mountain goat hunts are limited entry, along with most eastern rifle elk hunts. Hunters who apply for a tag and don’t draw it receive a preference point for that hunt series, which increases their chances of drawing the following year. Hunters who drew a tag are reminded to purchase it no later than the day before the hunt begins.