Coos Bay City Council, April 21

The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers – 500 Central Avenue – Coos Bay. Agenda: 1) Flag Salute; 2) Public Comments; 3) Consent Calendar; a) Approval of the works session minutes of April 7, 2015; b) Approval of the minutes of the April 7, 2015; c) Acceptance of the March Check Report; d) Acceptance of the March Combined Cash Report; 4) New Council Business; 5) Presentation of the Boat Building Center by Jim Berg; 6) Presentation by the Coos Historic & Maritime Museum and Approval of Setting a Public Hearing Date for the Proposed Vacation Before the Planning Commission on May 12th; 7) Acceptance of a Transit Station Grant Award by Public Works Director Jim Hossley; 8) Approval to Award a Bid for Michigan Avenue Sewer Line Replacement Project; 9) Consideration of Approval of Traffic Control Striping on South 4th Street; 10) Award of Contract to Bay Area Enterprises for Janitorial Services; 11) Approval of Purchasing Fire Department Technology by Fire Chief Mark Anderson; 12) Councilor Appointment to the Coos Bay/North Bend Water Board Budget Committee; 13) Approval to Submit a Grant Application to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for Rehabilitation of the Mingus Park Pool – Approval Will Require Adoption of Resolution 15-05; 14) Discussion of the Mingus Park Geese; 15) City Attorney’s Report; 16) City Manager’s Report; 17) Council Comments; 18) Adjourn.