Coos Bay City Council, Dec. 18

The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 – 7:00 PM, Council Chambers – 500 Central Avenue, Coos Bay, OR.  All citizens addressing the City Council under regular agenda items or public comments are required by City Council Rule 2.9.4 to sign-in on the forms provided on the agenda table. If you require a listening enhancement device, please contact the City Recorder. Please silence electronic devices – Thank you. 5:50 p.m. – Council Interviews, Committee Interviews Will be Held in the City Hall Conference Room. 7:00 p.m. – City Council Agenda:  1. Flag Salute; 2. Public Comments; 3. Consent Calendar; a. Approval of the minutes of November 28, 2017; b. Approval of the minutes of December 5, 2017; c. Approval of the minutes of December 12, 2017; d. Acceptance of a Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant; e. Acceptance of the November Check Registers; f. Acceptance of the November Combined Cash Reports; 4. Presentation of an Appreciation of Service Plaque for Ralph Mohr; 5. Report by Marshfield High School Key Club Members Sofi Baho-Munoz & Sarah Johnson; 6. A Public Hearing Will be Held to Consider Approval of the Street Trench Repair Policy – Approval Would Require Adoption of Resolution 17-25; 7. Appointments to the Planning Commission and Budget Committee; 8. Approval of Additional Funding for the Mingus Pool Project; 9. Consideration of Approval of the Mobilitie Telecommunications Franchise Ordinance – Approval Will Require Enactment of the Proposed Ordinance; 10. Approval of Modification of Construction Hours for the 6th Avenue Culvert Replacement Project; 11. Approval of the Front Street Action Plan – Approval Would Require Adoption of Resolution 17-24; 12. Consideration of Award of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Final Design of Pump Station 17 and Force Main; 13. City Manager’s Report; 14. Council Comments; 15. Executive Session – The City Council will now meet in executive session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2) (h) for consultation with legal counsel concerning legal rights and duties regarding current litigation or litigation likely to be filed; 16. Adjourn.