The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023, 6:00 PM, Council Chambers – 500 Central Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon. Tree Board Interviews; Tree Board Interviews Zoom Link; Zoom Remote Attendance Link & YouTube Link. Agenda: 1. Flag Salute; 2. Public Comments; a. Public Comments; 3. Consent Calendar; a. Acceptance of July 2023 Financial Reports and Check Register; b. Acceptance of August 2023 Financial Reports and Check Register; c. Acceptance of September 2023 Financial Reports and Check Register; d. Acceptance of the 2023 State Homeland Security Program Grant – UTV; e. Acceptance of the 2023 State Homeland Security Program Grant – Emergency Kits; 4. Action Items; a. Consideration of Tree Board Appointments; b. Approval of Native American Heritage Month Proclamation; c. Discussion Regarding Options to Form a Bicycle Committee; d. Approval of Friends of Park Avenue Lot Deed Change; e. Consideration to Award Contract to Knife River Materials for the Wastewater Plant 1 Parking Improvements; 5. City Manager’s Report; 6. Council Comments; 7. Adjourn.