Coos Bay City Council & URA, July 15

Coos Bay City Council
The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, Council Chambers – 500 Central Avenue – Coos Bay.  6:45 – City Council Interviews – Interview of Applicant for the Urban Renewal Agency Advisory Committee will be held in the City Hall Conference Room.  The Council’s regular meeting will be held immediately following the Urban Renewal Meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.  Agenda:  1) Flag Salute; 2) Public Comments; 3) Consent Calendar; a) Approval of the minutes of July 1, 2014; b) Acceptance of June Check Register; c)    Acceptance of June Combined Cash Report; d) Approval of annual OLCC license renewals for Bon Appetit Bistro & Catering,  Red Lion Inn, and Rodeo Steakhouse and Grill; e)    Approval of new outlet OLCC licenses for Tokyo Bistro and Fast Mart Convenience Store; 4) New Council Business; 5) Approval of Purchase of Wastewater Collection TV Van, Camera, and Software System; 6) Approval of a Change Order to Wastewater Treatment Plant #2 Design Contract for Additional Biological Assessment Work; 7) Award of contract for Sewer Replacement on North 11th Street; 8) Discussion of Building & Fire Code Board of Appeals; 9) Presentation on Tsunami Preparedness by Fire Chief Mark Anderson; 10) Presentation of the Development Code Revision Process; 11) Discussion of the Mel Counts Way Sign; 12) Approval of Appointment to the Urban Renewal Agency Advisory Committee; 13) Discussion of Changes in Promoting Coos Bay; 14) City Attorney’s Report; 15) City Manager’s Report; 16) Council Comments; 17) Adjourn.

Coos Bay URA
The Coos Bay Urban Renewal Agency (URA) will meet on Tuesday, July 15, 2014.  The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 500 Central Avenue – Coos Bay.  Agenda:  1. Public Comments; 2. Consent Calendar; a. Approval of the minutes of June 3, 2014; b. Acceptance of May & June Combined Cash Report; c. Acceptance of June Combined Cash Report; 3. Approval of the Hollering Place Disposition and Development Agreement; 4. Adjourn.