Coos Bay Council & URA, Nov. 3

Coos Bay City Council
The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 – 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers – 500 Central Avenue – Coos Bay, Oregon. Agenda: 1) Flag Salute; 2) Public Comments; 3) Consent Calendar; a) Approval of the minutes of October 20, 2015; 4) New Council Business; 5) Presentation of Coos Bay Urban Forestry Plan by Public Works Director Jim Hossley; 6) Coos Bay Public Library’s Annual Report by Library Director Sami Pierson; 7) Presentation of Pump Station No. 1 Landscape Concepts by Public Works Director Jim Hossley; 8) Acceptance of the Mingus Pool Repair Grant by Public Works Director Jim Hossley; 9) Ratification and Appointments to the Brownfields Action Committee by Community Development Director Eric Day; 10) Award of Contract for Repairs to the Ed Lund Building by Public Works Director Jim Hossley; 11) City Attorney’s Report; 12) City Manager’s Report; 13) Council Comments; 14) Adjourn.

The City of Coos Bay Urban Renewal Agency (URA) will meet on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. The meeting will be held immediately following the City Council Meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 500 Central Avenue – Coos Bay Oregon. Agenda: 1. Public Comments; 2. New Urban Renewal Business; 3. Approval of Additional Construction Phase Funds for Empire Boulevard Enhancement Project by Public Works Director Jim Hossley; 4. Adjourn.