CBFD release – In the wake the of a fire that occurred in the Shorepines Bay Village Mobile Home Park, the Coos Bay Fire Department was given the opportunity to perform a focused fire safety campaign to the residents of the long-time neighborhood. The fire safety campaign consisted of a community meeting and a follow up home fire safety survey. The community meeting, which was held at the fire station was attended by over 65 residents and focused on home fire safety and allowed the residents to ask questions regarding the many aspects of being fire safe. Some main topics of discussion surrounded the use of extension cords and the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms. After the meeting, many residents requested follow up surveys by the fire department. Over the next week, approximately 20 contacts were made with the residents and over 40 smoke alarms were installed in the neighborhood. The Coos Bay Fire Department was able to provide these smoke alarms through a community partnership with the American Red Cross that provides free smoke alarms through their Home Fire Campaign. The American Red Cross Home Fire Campaign was launched in 2014 and has installed 2.4 million smoke alarms in homes across the country. As part of the fire safety survey, Firefighters were able to test and inspect existing smoke alarms in the homes. If the alarm was older than 10 years or not functioning a new alarm was installed. The new smoke alarms were installed in every bedroom, living area, and hallway of the mobile homes visited. In a multi-story home, it is also recommended to place an alarm on every level, near stairways to upper levels, and in basements. In addition to smoke alarm installations, fire fighters had the opportunity to survey the home and give recommends and answer questions regarding residents’ concerns. The City of Coos Bay and the Coos Bay Fire Department are committed to keeping the community safe. Please check our website and watch for announcements for future opportunities on fire safety and disaster preparedness. If you have questions or would like to request a free fire safety survey, please call the Coos Bay Fire Department at 541-269-1191or click the link on the fire department’s webpage at coosbayor.gov.