Board Games at Coos Bay Library
Board games aren’t just for kids anymore! Come to the Coos Bay Public Library on Friday, February 28th at 7 p.m. for the library’s first monthly Tabletop Game Night for adults. Bring your favorite game to share or try something new.  These are not your mother’s board games. Experience fun next generation games like Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Dominion, and more. No previous game experience is required, just enthusiasm and a sense of fun.  No registration is required for this free event. Call 269-1101 for more information.

Job Assist Computer Lab
Coos Bay Public Library will offer a New JOB ASSIST COMPUTER LAB. This workshop will be held on Friday, February 28th from 9:15-11:15 a.m. at the Coos Bay Public Library. Looking for work? Filing unemployment? Need access to computer software for creating resumes & cover letters? Want assistance filling out an online application? Need technical support for anything work related? Sign up now! Seating is limited so pre-registration is required; the sign-up sheet is at the Reference Desk in the Library. Please be at the doors by 9:15 a.m.  Workshop is intended for job seekers who need access to technologies related to work. There will be no formal lecture but an instructor will be available if you need assistance, run into problems, or have questions. Prerequisite: You must be doing something work related. This is a FREE workshop! Please call 269-1101 or go to for further information on this program.

Dr. Seuss Birthday Party
The Coos Bay Public Library will be hosting a birthday party for Dr. Seuss and YOU are invited! The fun includes stories, snacks, crafts and a FREE book for each child who attends. Dr. Seuss’ birthday party will be Saturday, March 1st from 4-6 pm. For more information, call the library at 541-269-1101 or check the Coos Bay Public Library’s website.  “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” –Dr. Seuss