The Board of Directors for the Coos Bay-North Bend Water Board will meet on Thursday, Oct. 19, 7 a.m., at the Water Board Office on Ocean Blvd., Coos Bay. Regular Board meetings are open to the public. Anyone from the public can call into the meeting to speak during the public comment period in the meeting by calling: 1 (213) 293-2303 and use access code 946 990 03 to join the meeting. Agenda: 1. Flag Salute; 2. Approval of September 20, 2023 Regular Board meeting minutes; 3. Public Comments; 4. Consider Approval of Identified Water Board Owned Parcels to Build Mountain Biking Trails and Approval for Water Board Legal Counsel to Draft Agreement between the Coos Bay-North Bend Water Board and Travel Southern Oregon Coast; 5. Consider Increasing Banner Bank Credit Card Level; 6. Consider Powdered Activated Carbon Bulk Bag Unloader and Feed System; 7. Consider Surplus of Crane; 8. Items of Interest: a. Set next regular Board meeting date; (Suggested date: November 2, 2023, 7:00 a.m.); b. Check registers dated September 20, 22 and 29; October 6 and 10, 2023; c. Customer Statistics Report for August 2023; d. Graph of gallons sold/revenue through August 2023; e. Graph of monthly gallons sold by customer class through August 2023; f. Preliminary Balance Sheet as of July 31, 2023; g. Pension Plan Graph for Employees hired prior to January 1, 2011 as of September 29, 2023; h. Updates: • Master Planning; • Meter Change out/AMR; • FY23 Water Main Bundle; i. Upcoming Items for Board Agenda: • Consider Award of SCADA System Master Plan; • Consider RFP for Rate and SOC Study; • Consider Water Treatment Plant Roof Replacement and Security Upgrades; • Post-termination Hearing for Jeffrey Howes; 9. Executive Session for the purpose of discussing potential litigation pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(h).