Coos Bay Parks Commission, Dec. 11

The Coos Bay Parks Commission will hold a Working Lunch Meeting; DATE: Thursday, December 11, 2014; TIME: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM; LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room, 500 Central Avenue. AGENDA: 1. Call to Order – Roll Call – Approval of October 16, 2014 Minutes; 2. Citizen Input / Public Comment – This is an opportunity for members of the audience to bring to the Parks Commission’s attention, any items not otherwise listed on the agenda. Comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person with a maximum time of 15 minutes for all items. 3. New Business – • City of Coos Bay Cemetery Licensing; • Empire Lakes Bridge(s) Replacement(s) / Grants; • Empire Recreational Boat Launch Facility Grant for damages incurred during storm; 4. Old Business – 5. Commissioner’s Closing Comments; 6. Adjournment.