Coos Bay Police to Participate in Two Traffic Safety Grants, Aug. 23

As summer nears an end and our children get ready to go back to school, the Coos Bay Police Department will have extra officers on the road dedicated to traffic safety. From August 19th to September 4th, Coos Bay Police Officers will be making an extra effort to stop and apprehend impaired drivers as part of a national effort to promote, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement mobilization. During this same period, officers will be hitting the street to enforce and educate citizens on the importance of seatbelt use while driving, especially for child passengers. According to the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) crash data for 2021 shows the lack of safety belt or child restraint use was a factor in 32% or 119 of a total 377 motor vehicle occupant fatalities. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading nationwide cause of death for children ages one through twelve years old. In 2021, 1,475 children under twelve were injured in Oregon traffic crashes, 16 percent were reported not using a child restraint system. It is estimated that car seats may increase crash survival by 71% for infants under one year old and by up to 59% for toddlers aged one to four. Booster seats may reduce the chance of nonfatal injury among four- to eight-year-olds by 45% compared to safety belts used alone. For help selecting or installing child car seats, consult the seat manufacturer’s instructions, your vehicle owner’s manual, or visit a local child seat fitting station listed at: or at