Coos Bay School Time Safety, Sept. 4

News release from the City of Coos Bay. Hello everyone! Well, summer is winding down, and a whole new group of little pedestrians and two-wheelers are going to be out and about on their way to school. As these young students begin to fan out across the community on their way to school, it’s important that as drivers we always remember they are out there and may not yet be fully adept at bicycle and pedestrian safety. Use extra caution when driving on known school-bound routes and when driving by a younger bike rider. Make sure to give them just a little extra room in case they are a little unsteady on their bike. This added measure of caution also goes for young pedestrians. Walking with friends can be a lot of fun, but sometimes it can lead to a little bit of “horse-play”; and some friendly kids play can cause them to unintentionally step out into the roadway. Always be prepared and expect the unexpected! Be prepared for that young pedestrian darting out in the roadway or crossing in a crosswalk. Slow down! Following speed laws around school zones is not just the prudent legal thing to do, but it’s a life safety measure. Especially during drop off and pickup times, the school zones can be extremely crowed with vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. During the first week of school, there can be the added complication of new students and parents who are attempting to find the right place to drop off or park. Many students are transported to and from area schools on school buses. Oregon law requires drivers to stop whenever the red lights on a school bus are flashing regardless of the direction you are traveling. The law applies to any roadway with two or more lanes of traffic including multi-lane highways such as Highway 101, Ocean Boulevard, and Newmark Avenue. It’s not all about the driver. It also comes down to educating our new students about the “rules of the road” and appropriate pedestrian safety measures. Take time before the first day of school to go over the appropriate pedestrian safety measures. Discuss the safe way to cross the street, and the importance of not just checking once, but checking and rechecking to make sure it’s safe to cross. For bicyclists, make sure new school bike commuters are fully aware of the rules of the road, can safely operate their bike under a variety of circumstances, and they know how to react to those unusual circumstances that always seen to pop up in life.