Coos Bay Tree Board, Feb. 4

The Coos Bay Tree Board meets on Wednesday – February 4, 2015, 12:00 PM, City Hall Manager’s Conference Room. Public comments limited to 10 minutes. AGENDA: CALL TO ORDER – Roll Call – Approval of the January 12th Minutes; CITIZEN INPUT / PUBLIC COMMENT –; OLD BUSINESS – **Update: Letter received from property owner of 1416 D St. thanking board for your approval to remove the four trees that were identified and marked by Jon. They are continuing to work on the brush and clean up. They will be coming in soon to apply for the Right-of-Way permit to remove the trees. They will also furnish a traffic plan. NEW BUSINESS – • After the Fact – 555 13th Ct – Jeff Eberwein. Had an emergency sewer lateral repair and tree, a large Cedar, was growing directly over the lateral. • 3 to 4 hazardous trees in the Juniper ROW at N 10th Ct. These are Alders with big English Ivy problems with 1 dead Cedar. All are an immediate safety issue and proceeded with removal. • Development of New Tree List / Street-Tree Plan and the development of Zones; ROW; BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS. Meeting will adjourn at 1:00 p.m.