CHW report – Active case number glitch has been repaired. Active cases are defined as cases within the last 14 days. CDC information regarding underlying conditions.,COPD%20(chronic%20obstructive%20pulmonary%20disease) OHA has provided a clarification on how deaths are designated. • The way OHA records COVID-19 deaths in Oregon is similar to the way CDC and other state health agencies record them. Questions and confusion about COVID-19 death data have been raised by some people as a reason why they doubt the severity of COVID-19. • To report COVID-19 related deaths accurately, OHA relies on several different data sources – reports from facilities like hospitals and long-term care facilities, reports from local public health authorities, and information from death certificates. • In many instances, there are several information points that lead us to denote a death as COVID-19 related. • The choice of the words “COVID-19 related” is intentional. OHA cannot determine exact cause of death – so our data focuses on people who most likely had COVID-19 and died. Sometimes there is a time difference between the diagnosis of COVID-19 and the person’s death. Sometimes there is a cause of death that may not seem directly connected to COVID-19. • Again, OHA cannot determine in every single instance the cause of death but instead our goal is to track people who died with COVID-19. This is standard practice in infectious disease reporting.