Coos Co. Airport Commission
This is to notify you that the Board of Commissioners of the Coos County Airport District will hold a Workshop Meeting on Thursday, January 11, 2018, at 9:00 a.m. This meeting will be held in the District’s Board Room on the mezzanine level of the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport Terminal Building, 1100 Airport Lane, North Bend.
Coos Co. Airport Commission
The Coos Co. Airport Commission will meet on Thursday, January 11, 2018, 9:00 a.m., Coos County Airport District Board Room, Terminal Building. A G E N D A: 1. CALL TO ORDER; 2. COMMERCIAL AIR SERVICE WORK SESSION; a. Overview of Current Air Service; 1) Current challenges to small community air service; 2) Analysis of current service; 3) Analysis of the Portland market; b. Overview of Alternative Solutions; 1) Cost of providing service; 2) Starting new airline; 3) Financial support examples from other communities/states; 4) Feasibility of state/federal support; 5) Collaboration with other airports; c. Next Steps; 3. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS; 4. PUBLIC COMMENT; 5. ADJOURN.