The Coos County Board of Commissioners has scheduled or will attend the following meetings during the period of January 8, 2024 through January 12, 2024: Tuesday, January 9: 10:00 AM Work session- County Vehicle Policy- small conference room; 10:30 AM Work session- Liaison Assignments- small conference room; 1:30 PM Work session- Allegany Public Access Issues. Wednesday, January 10: 2:00 PM Interviews/Appointment for Fair Board Position. Thursday, January 11: 9:00 AM, Work session- Discussion re: Jail Funding; 2:00 PM Executive Session under the Authority of ORS 192.660 (2)(e) Real Property Transactions- small conference room. 6:30 PM Town Hall Meeting re: Structures in Public Right-of-Ways- Oaks Pavilion at the Coos County Fairgrounds, Myrtle Point. COMMITTEE MEETINGS – Tuesday, January 9: 6:00 PM Coos County Fair Board; Wednesday, January 10: 6:00 PM Joint Work session with Coos Bay & North Bend re: CBEMP Update- Coos Bay City Hall, 500 Central Avenue, Coos Bay (commissioners to meet immediately following joint meeting). These meetings are open to the public, with the exception of executive session. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will take place in the Owen Building large conference room; the Owen Building is located at 201 N. Adams, Coquille. Regular Board meetings can now be viewed on YouTube at