The Coos County Board of Commissioners has scheduled or will attend the following meetings during the period of July 31, 2023 through August 4, 2023: Monday, July 31: 10:30 AM Worksession- Pipeline Slide Issues; 1:30 PM Worksession- Belloni Ranch Property on Karl Lane. Tuesday, August 1: 8:30 AM Regular Board Meeting- hybrid meeting. Executive Session begins at 8:30 AM, with the public portion set to begin at 9:30 AM. This meeting will be held in person & virtually; to attend virtually, use the following link: 1:30 PM Hearing- Amendment/Rezone AM-23-001/RZ-23-001 Hauser Hill Campground; 2:00 PM Hearing- Amendment/Rezone AM-23-005/RZ-23-004 Stein; 2:30 PM Hearing- Amendment/Rezone AM-23-004/RZ-23-.003 Randol; Wednesday, August 2: 10:00 AM Hearing- Fees. These meetings are open to the public, with the exception of executive session. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will take place in the Owen Building large conference room; the Owen Building is located at 201 N. Adams, Coquille. Regular Board meetings can now be viewed on YouTube at