CCSO release – The Coos County D.A. & Sheriff’s Office to release information on convictions. In continued transparency efforts, District Attorney R. Paul Frasier & Sheriff Gabe Fabrizio will partner to release information on notable convictions, guilty verdicts, and plea deals to the public. This release will include the charges on which defendants were convicted, the length of their sentence, special conditions (probation), and current jail photo (mug shot). These releases will be sent to the media and posted on the Coos County Sheriff’s Office’s social media pages. We are working on creating a monthly document showing ALL convictions (including individuals sentenced only to probation or lesser amounts of jail time) per month, which will be posted near or at the beginning of the following month. The Coos County District Attorney’s Office and Staff are responsible for thousands of convictions annually. These range from Jury Trials, Bench Trials and Plea Negotiations. District Attorney R. Paul Frasier & Sheriff Gabe Fabrizio believe it is essential that you, the public, know the outcome of these critical cases, as many have stemmed from events that have profoundly affected the people we serve.