Coos Co. Livestock Assoc. Annual Meeting, Nov. 4

The Coos County Livestock Association will be holding its annual meeting Saturday, November 5, 2016 at the Coos County OSU Extension office in Myrtle Point.  A business meeting, followed by local updates will open the evening.  Dr. Charles Estill, the Oregon State University Extension Veterinarian will be our main speaker.  He will provide an update on the new Veterinary Feed Directive, and will then hold a general Q & A session for livestock issues. It’s really a great meeting, and no matter how large or small your operation, if you are a livestock producer in the area, you are welcome to attend!   The meeting begins at 5:00pm.  Cost is $25 per person, which covers an awesome catered dinner and dessert. You can pay at the door. Come take advantage of this opportunity to meet up with other local producers in the area, eat great food, and learn a little along the way!  Please RSVP by Friday, October 28.  For more information and to RSVP, please call Shawna Horner at (541)-572-5263 ext 25292 or email  We look forward to seeing you!