SWOCC release – Coos Bay, OR – Members of the Bay Area community are invited to come to Southwestern Oregon Community College’s Umpqua Hall to view a suite of updated maps describing the Coos estuary and surrounding communities. An informal opening will be held February 15th from 4-7 pm when members from the Partnership for Coastal Watersheds, including Coos County planning staff, will be in attendance to answer questions and collect comments related to the maps. The revised maps, which include up-to-date information about local natural resources, coastal hazards, socio-economic conditions, and land uses in the estuary and surrounding shorelands, are proposed to be incorporated into the county’s first phase revision of the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan. The maps will remain on display at Umpqua Hall until February 24th. The maps can also be accessed digitally, along with other proposed revisions to the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan, at: https://www.co.coos.or.us/community-dev/page/am-22-005-coos-bay-estuary-management-plan. Comments regarding revisions can be left with Partnership for Coastal Watersheds members and county staff at the February 15th opening or can be sent to Jill Rolfe (Coos County Community Development Director) at planning@co.coos.or.us. About the Partnership for Coastal Watersheds: The “PCW” is a local collaborative community group representing cultural and tribal interests, businesses and economic development, natural resource protection and government agencies. The PCW has secured funding for and facilitated the development of the updated maps and is currently serving as an advisory group for Coos County in its Phase 1 Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan revision to help ensure current economic, environmental, and socio-cultural conditions are fully represented in the revised plan. For more information go to: partnershipforcoastalwatersheds.org.