After a four-year hiatus Coos History Bus Tours are back! Join Anne Guerin and Bill Mast as they lead a scenic history tour of the Middle Fork of the Coquille River on Saturday, August 5th. The tour will be departing from the Coos County Logging Museum in Myrtle Point at 10:00am, with stops at Sugarloaf, Bridge, Camp Myrtlewood, the Waterman Ranch at Bancroft, the historic Remote Store, a former Civilian Conservation Corps camp and mill sites on Upper Rock Creek and Sandy Creek. Local residents Greg Lancaster, Stan and Linda Waterman, and John and Margaret Jones will provide commentary. The Coos County Logging Museum will be opening at 9am in case tour guests would like to peruse before the tour starts. Lunch is included and will be provided by Coquille Produce at the Bridge Grange. The bus will return to Myrtle Point by 4 pm. The tour includes lunch and bus transportation. Advanced registration is required. Register at the Coos History Museum front desk or call at (541) 756-6320. Tickets are $50 per person due at registration. Space is limited so register soon!