Coquille Tribe receives Federal Transit Grant, Dec. 18

Washington, D.C.— Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR-04) announced that the Coquille Indian Tribe of Southwest Oregon will receive a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant of $200,000 through the Tribal Transit Program to expand their transportation services. “This is welcomed news for Coos County. This funding will be critical in expanding the Coquille Tribe’s current transportation system, and providing increased opportunities for tribal members to access jobs, school, and health appointments. Currently, the Coquille Tribe provides demand services for health related appointments, but lacks a consistent and reliable transportation option. Public transportation in Coos County is provided through Coos County Area Transit, which provides two loop services through Coos Bay and North Bend, Monday-Friday. This grant will add an additional route to CCAT, benefitting not only members of the Coquille Tribe but the community at large. Public transit serves a vital function in rural communities by connecting individuals with more opportunities. I will continue to work to improve public transportation throughout southwest Oregon,” said Congressman Peter DeFazio. Tribal Chairperson, Brenda Meade: “We are thrilled to have a part in bringing better public transit to Coos County. CCAT is an absolute lifeline for so many people in our community. The Coquille Tribe lives by the potlatch tradition of sharing resources with those around us, and this project fits that philosophy perfectly. It benefits our Tribal members, and it benefits our neighbors throughout the community.” As Ranking Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Rep. DeFazio was instrumental in providing funding for the Tribal Transit Program in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST) of 2015. The Coquille tribe’s project is one of 36 transit projects in 19 states to receive funding through FTA’s Tribal Transit Program this year.