COVID-19 wastewater monitoring data dashboard, Aug. 12

Wednesday, OHA is updating the wastewater dashboard to display quantitative and sequencing data related to our statewide COVID-19 wastewater monitoring project. Wastewater sample values have also been categorized into trend groups on this dashboard. These categories will help local public health departments track the changes of viral concentration in their community’s wastewater. The viral concentration data is displayed alongside daily case rates to show any relationships between the two measures. If a wastewater sample was sequenced, variants of concern detected in the wastewater are provided. Currently there are 40 wastewater treatment facilities with quantitative information displayed on the dashboard. These locations are displayed on a map of Oregon on the left of the dashboard with trend-colored dots. Information will be updated every Wednesday. The monitoring serves as an “early warning” system to inform local public officials if COVID-19 is increasing in communities in addition to which variants are circulating. OHA launched the project in August 2020 in collaboration with Oregon State University and with funding from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). OHA thanks the more than 40 communities that have participated in wastewater monitoring during this pandemic. These local partners truly go above and beyond to help inform their communities and OHA is grateful for their collaboration.