According to an entry on the Coquille Police log for Tuesday, Jan. 3, 11:19 a.m., 800 block N. Central Blvd., “CBPD served CQPD valid warrants on” 42-year old Brent Rodgers charging Failure to Appear on Possession of Meth charge and Failure to Appear I. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coquille Police log for Tuesday, Jan. 3, 5:09 a.m., 300 Country Club Road, Eugene PD, “warrant service,” on 32-year old Robert C. Gangewer CQPD warrant charging Failure to Appear on charges of Escape II, Assaulting a Public Safety Officer, Assault IV, Resisting Arrest, two-counts Criminal Mischief and Escape III.