Douglas County Parks Department is temporarily closing the Crab/Fishing Dock at Windy Cove County Park in Winchester Bay beginning Monday, January 8, 2018, for repairs. The Crab/Fishing Dock will undergo significant structural repairs that include replacing the landing area that has been closed to the public for several years, and complete decking repairs and replacements.  In addition, life rings and access ladders will be installed to improve safety. The Crab/Fishing Dock is scheduled to re-open July of this year. This project is part of the broader capital improvement plan for Douglas County Parks.  The department is reinvesting usage fees in repairing and replacing park assets to ensure the outdoor recreational experiences remain for future generations.  In 2016, the Douglas County Parks Department became self-sufficient and is reliant on user fees to operate and maintain the 42 developed parks, 23 boat ramps and nine campgrounds.