DOGAMI House Bill, June 11

The DOGAMI House Bill 2202 (2013) Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) will be considering new rules for aggregate mining on high value farm soils on Thursday, June 11, 9-11 a.m. The meeting will be conducted via a web meeting application. Note that interested members of the public can listen in to this meeting but will not be allowed to contribute to the RAC discussions. The public comment period for the proposed rule will be scheduled at the end of the RAC process via Notice from the office of the Oregon Secretary of State. To listen in on the meeting please contact Becky Johnson at (541) 967-2083 or for web meeting information. You may also sign up for the DOGAMIrulemaking listserv on our web site at: House Bill 2202 (HB 2202) was passed in the 2013 legislative session and resulted in ORS 517.825, which became effective on August 1, 2013.