Douglas Co. Enhanced DUII Enforcement Results, Jan. 9

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Ore. – The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office conducted enhanced DUII patrols during the holiday season which ran December 15, 2022, through January 1, 2023. Utilizing grant dollars administered by the Oregon Department of Transportation, 3 deputies utilized a total of 25 hours of enhanced DUII patrol time on the roadways at various times during the enforcement period. During the course of the efforts, deputies made 2 DUII arrests; one for DUII-Alcohol and the other DUII-Drugs. Deputies also took the following enforcement actions: • 5 citations for Driving While Suspended; • 3 citations for other moving violations; • 13 warnings for speeding; • 2 warnings for seat belt violations; • 34 warnings for equipment violations; • 10 warnings for other moving violations; • 1 non-DUII related felony arrest. According to NHTSA, 11,654 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2020 that involved an alcohol-impaired driver. On average, more than 10,000 people were killed each year from 2016 to 2020, and one person was killed in a drunk-driving crash every 45 minutes in 2020.