The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue program would like to remind the public about outdoor safety. With a severe Fall storm expected over the next few days and hunting season in full swing, the Sheriff’s Office is reminding people to be prepared when going outdoors. Whether you are hunting, hiking, mushroom picking, or any other outdoor activity, plan for the unexpected. Consider carrying extra food, water, clothing, and shelter material with you. Make a plan for your activity and stick to it. Always notify someone of your activity; where you are going to be and when to expect to be back. Always carry a fully charged cell phone and charger for instances when a call can be made for emergencies, but remember cell phones don’t always work and cell phone tracking is not always reliable. If you prepare and make activity plans ahead of time, you will make it easier for first responders to assist you in the event that an emergency does occur. Thank you and enjoy the Douglas County outdoors.