ODOT release – SALEM – The public is invited to review a draft amendment to the Oregon Highway Plan that will guide the state in using tolling as a way to raise funds for transportation system improvements. The comment period is open until August 1. Read the draft amendment here (PDF): OHP Policy Amendment Draft for Public Review.pdf (oregon.gov). An informational webinar about the draft amendment is scheduled for June 30, and a public hearing will be held on July 20 at 1 p.m. Information on how to access these events will be posted on the website when details are available. What is it? The Oregon Highway Plan has an existing policy section on tolling. This draft policy amendment proposes an update to that section, which is “Goal No. 6: Tolling.” The draft amendment is intended to modernize the state’s pricing and tolling policy. It defines terms, such as congestion pricing, and it offers guidance for the use of revenue and setting rates (but it does not set rates). It also provides the Oregon Transportation Commission with clearer direction for decision making. There are 15 policies in the draft amendment, each with actions to guide implementing the policy. Note: This amendment is not about whether or not the state should toll roads; instead, it provides guidance for doing so if the state decides to use tolling. Public input will inform potential revisions to the plan amendment. The goal is to have a final version ready for adoption later this year. If you would like to comment, please review the draft amendment. You may also want to attend the webinar and hearing scheduled for later. An online comment card on the website will be available soon to submit comments. You can also send an email with comments to OHPmanager@odot.oregon.gov. Background: The Oregon Highway Plan is the state’s primary highway guide, establishing a 20-year vision and strategic framework for Oregon’s road system. The current plan (PDF) was approved by the commission in 1999 and has been modified numerous times, including in 2012 to add the current section on tolling.