CCSO release – Date / Time: May 25, 2023, at 4:45 p.m.; Please see the below statement about the Sheriff’s Office arrest of Heriberto Morado – Ledesma on May 21st, 2023. In response to several demining and hostile comments towards the Coos County Sheriff’s Office about the arrest of Heriberto Morado – Ledesma (35) on May 21st, the Coos County Sheriff’s Office would like to make the following statement. It has been the policy of all law enforcement agencies in Coos County that when an individual is arrested for DUII (Without additional charges), that person is arrested and transported to the nearest police department or the Coos County Jail for testing. After testing, the induvial arrested is released to a sober adult, almost always the same night/day of the incident. The exception to this rule is if the detained individual has no family or friends to come to sign for them. This has been the process for over 25 years. In this case, this is precisely what happened. Deputy R. Baker did an exceptional job removing an impaired driver from the roads of Coos County, performing his duty to uphold the law and protect the citizens of Coos County. Protocol was followed exactly as mentioned above. The man was released to a sober adult, his wife, with a court date to appear. It is essential to understand that the longest this man could have been held in custody would have been until the following morning when he was completely sober (May 22nd.) Therefore, keeping him in jail past that time would not be lawful. We are deeply saddened by the event on May 23rd. However, it is essential to understand that the Coos County Sheriff’s Office and its members followed the law of the state of Oregon properly concerning Mr. Morado-Ledesma’s arrest on May 21st, 2023.