News release CCSO.  On 06/26/2017, at about 11:39 pm, Coos County Sheriff’s office Deputies were dispatched to a report of an injury accident on Johnson Mtn Road, Powers Oregon. Johnson Mountain Road is a forest road just outside the city of Powers that has United States Forest Service and private timber companies owning the majority of the property. Deputies were told four people had been involved in the accident and one of them was possibly unconscious. The Powers Fire Department, Powers Ambulance and Myrtle Point Ambulance responded to the scene. Most of the occupants were transported by Myrtle Point Ambulance to Coquille Valley Hospital. With the assistance in the investigation by the Myrtle Point and Coquille Police Departments it was determined through interviews and evidence that the driver of the vehicle was Jordan Isenhart. When Jordan was treated and cleared by the medical staff at the hospital he was transported to the Coos County Jail. While at the jail, Jordan provided a breath sample of .01% several hours after the incident. Jordan who is under the age of 21 was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants and three counts of Reckless Endangering Another Person. Under Oregon law, a person under 21 years of age is operating a vehicle under the influence of intoxicants if they have any amount of alcohol able to be registered in their blood system. Jordan was held on bail for his charges initially then released to a responsible person to appear for court on a later date. The three passengers, also under the age of 21 were cited for being Minors in Possession of alcohol. Additionally, one was cited in lieu of custody for Interfering with a Police Officer. The Coos County Sheriff’s Office encourages parents and young adults to be aware of the dangers of these incidents such as this.

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