North Bend Public Library finishes out its “Be Prepared Series” with two events on October 18. First, the library joins other institutions in Oregon by taking part in the Great Oregon ShakeOut, an earthquake drill that will begin at 10:18 AM. Library staff and patrons will drill by getting on the floor and under tables and desks. The drill is expected to last two minutes or less, and is meant to reinforce the recommended earthquake safety training of “Drop, Cover, and Hold On,” as advised by the Oregon Office of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Patrons in the library during the drill will be asked to participate. The Great Oregon Shakeout is part of the the Great Shakeout, a worldwide effort to promote earthquake safety. At 2:00 PM that afternoon, Michael Murphy, program director for Coos County Emergency Management, will speak on the topic of disaster and emergency preparedness. According to the Coos County Emergency Management website: The best time to prepare for a disaster is before it happens; knowing what to do when there is an event can make you and your family more resilient. Please join in partnership with your local government agencies to be prepared. BE READY through individual awareness and preparedness.  The first twenty attendees at the presentation will be given an emergency preparedness item.  For more information about these events and other library programs, please contact the North Bend Public Library at 541-756-0400 or see our website at For more information on the Great Shakeout, please go to their website at