Electric Mobility Grants broaden access to charging stations, community-use electric vehicles, March 8

Pacific Power release – Pacific Power awarded $800,000 to fund a range of electric mobility projects that demonstrate equity and community access to charging infrastructure and electric vehicles. PORTLAND, ORE. (February 10, 2022) – Select nonprofits, local governments and hospitals served by Pacific Power in Oregon will receive $800,000 in grants for clean transportation projects. Electric Mobility Grants will fund a range of community-driven electric transportation projects including from adding charging options along the I-84 corridor in eastern Oregon to purchasing electric vehicles for shared use by low-income residents in Portland. The grant awardees demonstrated a commitment to long-term sustainability, equity and increasing access to electric charging services in rural areas. “Electric mobility grants are designed to support projects that advance electric transportation in underserved communities across the state, including areas without ample access to public charging,” said Kate Hawley, electric transportation senior product manager. “The ten grant recipients certainly demonstrated that commitment in addition to using this program to deliver creative transportation solutions such as electric vehicle educational solutions and swapping gas-powered riding lawnmowers for electric to maintaining public parks and help achieve local environmental goals.” Grant funding is made possible by the Oregon Clean Fuels Program, which is administered by the state Department of Environmental Quality and aims to reduce the carbon intensity of Oregon’s transportation fuels. Pacific Power raises funds through the sale of Clean Fuels Program credits, which the company aggregates on behalf of customers who charge their electric vehicles at home. Electric Mobility Grant Recipients: Athena One Stop – Funds will be used to install two fast charging stations to help bridge the charging gap along the I-84 corridor between Pendleton and Walla Walla. This rural community hopes to stimulate more charging infrastructure along I-84. Rogue Valley Council of Governments – This is a voluntary association of 24 local jurisdictions, special districts, and education institutions in southwest Oregon. The electric vehicle procured with this grant will allow RVCOG staff to provide a multitude of direct services to local government, as well as community members that participate in and/or are serviced by the RVCOG’s Senior and Disability Services.  Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives – Funds will be used for charging infrastructure and three different kinds of electric vehicles offering an affordable transportation solution to low-income Portland residents.  Astoria Cooperative – Funds will be used to install two Level II chargers for community use. Astoria Cooperative is a local leader in sustainability and green technology. They are well-positioned to serve the community through ease-of-access charging options for locals and visitors. The Blueprint Foundation – Funds will be used for charging infrastructure, an electric van and an electric transportation education initiative. The Blueprint Foundation prepares black youth in Portland for careers in environmental science and green construction through project-based mentorship. Portland NAACP – Funds will be used for new charging infrastructure and an electric shuttle bus. This project drives toward the goal of promoting electrification education and advancing transportation equity by directly serving Portland residents where public transportation is not easily accessible, reliable, affordable, or available. The electric shuttle bus will also be used to mobilize the collection and delivery of emergency supplies in times of need. Columbia Gorge Community College – Funds will be used to install four Level II charging stations on campus. This project will create exposure for college students who currently have limited access to electric transportation and meet the on-site charging needs of students, staff, visitors and faculty as electric vehicle use grows.
Southwestern Oregon Community College – Funds will be used to install four Level II charging stations. This two-year institution primarily serves a rural/agricultural student base. This project will expand electric vehicle accessibility options for local residents and electric vehicle owners traveling through the area. Klamath Community College – Funding charging infrastructure and plans to create a workforce training program in electric vehicle systems analysis, equipment and/or vehicle repair. This project will serve a wide variety of electric vehicle owners, including staff and students already on campus and travelers along Highways 39 and 140. Bend Parks and Recreation – Funds will be used for a new electric mower providing an opportunity to compare costs and efficiencies against a gas-powered mower and share learnings with other Parks and Rec departments. Bend Parks and Recreation Department maintains and operates over 3,000 acres or parkland. They are continuously seeking ways to continue this work in more sustainable ways. Since 2018, Pacific Power has made it easier for drivers to choose electric by partnering with communities and businesses to install electric vehicle chargers across Oregon, Washington and California. In addition to the Electric Mobility Grant, Pacific Power offers a free technical assistance program for organizations looking to install electric vehicle charging. The program provides a feasibility analysis for electric vehicle technology charging options, costs, rates and best practices for siting, installing and managing equipment. For information on technical assistance and to learn more about the benefits of electric vehicles, please visit www.pacificpower.net/ev.