Elliott State Forest, May 3

At the beginning of the State Land Board meeting, board members will present Stream Project Awards for two projects in northeast Oregon: * Catherine Creek Fish Habitat Restoration Project, sponsored by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and the Union Soil and Water Conservation District; * Wallowa River/6 Ranch Habitat Restoration Project II, sponsored by 6 Ranch and the Grande Ronde Model Watershed. Both projects were carried out through a wide array of partnerships that included state and federal agencies, and funding from the Bonneville Power Administration, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board and other organizations. The State Land Board Awards were established in 2004 to recognize worthy projects that promote responsible, sustainable stewardship of state natural resources. To date, awards have been presented for 29 exemplary projects across all regions of Oregon. The meeting’s action agenda includes a status update on the Elliott State Forest Ownership Transfer Opportunity; the Common School Fund annual investment report and distribution policy; and requests to approve two mineral and geothermal rights releases and a communication easement. The informational agenda includes the Department of Forestry’s annual report on management of Common School Fund forest lands, and the annual report on Common School Fund real property for fiscal year 2016. The meeting will be held: May 9, 2017; 10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.; Department of State Lands, Land Board Room, 775 Summer St. NE, Salem. This meeting will be held in a facility that is accessible for persons with disabilities. If you need assistance to participate in the meeting due to a disability, please notify Lorna Stafford at (503) 986-5224 or lorna.stafford@state.or.us at least two working days prior to the meeting. To live stream the meeting, go to the State Lands YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQA7FHTWwl-gjJkQeYPJ1IA  Public testimony will be accepted on action items. Because of a full agenda, oral comments may be restricted to 2 minutes or less. Written comments may be submitted in advance or brought to the meeting for inclusion in the public record.  Meeting agenda: http://www.oregon.gov/dsl/Board/Documents/slb_may2017_packet.pdf  Any additional meeting materials will be posted on the State Land Board webpage. The State Land Board consists of Governor Kate Brown, Secretary of State Dennis Richardson and State Treasurer Tobias Read. The Department of State Lands administers diverse natural and fiscal resources. Many of the resources generate revenue for the Common School Fund, such as state-owned rangelands and timberlands, waterway leases, estates for which no will or heirs exist, and unclaimed property. Twice a year, the agency distributes fund investment earnings to support K-12 public schools. The agency also administers Oregon’s Removal-Fill Law, which requires people removing or filling certain amounts of material in waters of the state to obtain a permit.