Coos Co. Airport District Release – (Coos County, OR) – Personnel from multiple agencies gathered Thursday in North Bend at the Airport to review a portion of the Airport Emergency Plan (AEP). The Tabletop Exercise is a requirement of the ongoing process to be certified to operate as a commercial airport. It also helps agencies review how to respond in the event of a disaster whether it is human or naturally caused. The mass casualty Tabletop Exercise simulated a water rescue following the crash of a commercial passenger jet. The plane experienced engine failure upon takeoff and was carrying 75 people. Representatives from multiple agencies ran the scenario and discussed roles and responsibilities. They also covered the best practices regarding communications with other agencies and the public, evacuation of passengers and crew, airport accessibility for responding agencies, and possible hazards. The North Bend Sector of the US Coast Guard, North Bend Fire Department, Bay Area Hospital, Reach Air Medical Services, Skywest, TSA, and personnel from the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport attended the exercise. Airport Fire Chief and Operations Manager, Bob Hood, facilitated the tabletop exercise and says, preparing for an emergency at the airport is nothing new, “To reduce the impacts of an emergency and save lives, regular training is not only essential but required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).” Each year, the airport records required by the Part 139 Certification are reviewed and evaluated by the FAA. That includes an inspection of mandatory records of training that is undertaken each month.