Emergency Preparedness, April 4

City of Coos Bay release – The Coos Bay Fire Department and Bay Area Hospital (BAH) are offering the public an opportunity to learn more about the BAH’s Emergency Preparedness. The training will be presented at the Coos Bay Fire Department located at 450 Elrod Avenue, Coos Bay on April 18th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.  This presentation will give an overview of Bay Area Hospital strengths, weakness, and breakthroughs in disaster preparedness. The presentation will also look at how the hospital works with its community partners to prepare for a number of possible disasters.   There will be tips on what the community can do to be better prepared, and time will be provided for questions and discussion. This presentation will be provided by Russell Johnston who is currently employed as Bay Area Hospital’s Emergency Preparedness Coordinator.  Mr. Johnston was raised in our community, but he has spent many years in Alaska performing Arctic Medevac Rescue and firefighting in Alaska’s unique urban/wildland interface.  During this time, he responded to the Sockeye Fire in which 56 homes were lost.  He has had the opportunity to travel to Haiti in 2010 and assist with earthquake recovery and relief.  He has also traveled to the African country of Burkina Faso witnessed the effects of drought and famine. Mr. Johnston’s unique perspective on emergency preparedness will enhance anyone’s personal, family, or organization’s Disaster Preparedness Plan.