CBPL release – At 1:00 pm on Friday, October 21st, the Coos Bay Public Library is teaming up with Terry Plotz, Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness Educator, to offer an online workshop on Emergency Preparedness. Emergencies are inevitable. Therefore, it is important to understand how to prepare for them so you know what to expect, know how to communicate with family and outside agencies, and are able to keep yourself and your family as safe as possible. Families are invited to this event as well as individuals. Terry will provide information in an understandable and sensitive way so all can benefit from it. The topics that will be covered are earthquakes (Cascadia), tsunamis, fire, communication, as well as other important topics such as a “Go Bag.” This workshop is scheduled to be one hour long. The zoom registration for this workshop hosted by the Coos Bay Public Library is https://tinyurl.com/CBPLEmergency For more information, please go to the Coos Bay Public Library website or check out their Facebook page.