Empire Area Blueprint: Learn and Give Input, Sept. 12

The City of Coos Bay invites the public to attend the second Planning Commission Meeting on the Empire Area Blueprint Project to review the project team’s work to-date and kick off a discussion of potential improvements to the Empire Area. Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 6 p.m. Join in person at City Hall Council Chambers, 500 Central Avenue, Coos Bay, OR Join by computer or mobile device:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83675158015?pwd=eXVZdk1JallhdkZmcHk4ZTRJRGRRdz09 Meeting ID: 836 7515 8015, Passcode: 711407 Join by phone: 971-247-1195 Meeting ID: 836 7515 8015, Passcode: 711407 The meeting will also be streamed live via the City’s YouTube Channel at:
https://www.youtube.com/@cityofcoosbay/streams Submit a comment by Monday, September 11 at the project website: https://empire-area-blueprint-deagis.hub.arcgis.com/pages/contact-us, or
by contacting Planning Administrator Chelsea Schnabel at cschnabel@coosbayor.gov or 541-269-8918. Learn more at: https://empire-area-blueprint-deagis.hub.arcgis.com/