Employment in South Coast: June 2020 South Coast Recovers about One-Quarter of Pandemic Job Losses, July 22

Employment Dept. release – Coos County total payroll employment rose by 550 jobs in June. With the Phase 2 reopening allowing for limited dine-in eating at restaurants, leisure and hospitality added 310 jobs over the month. Other industries adding jobs in June were professional and business services (+50); manufacturing (+40); and construction (+30). Three industries added an estimated 20 jobs in June – retail trade, education and health services, and other services. Government employment rose by 60 as 30 jobs were added in both state and local government. Over the year total payroll employment fell by 2,620 jobs, a drop of 11.3 percent. The largest decline, accounting for about one-third of total job losses, was in leisure and hospitality (-940). Job losses were widespread outside of a few jobs gained over the year in food stores (+10) and general merchandise stores (+20). Sectors with substantial job loss also included professional and business services (-270), education and health services (-190), retail trade (170), construction (-50), and manufacturing (-40). Government employment fell by 720 over the year with losses estimated in local education (-380), Indian tribal (-280), and non-tribal, non-education local government (-50).
Curry County added 260 jobs over the month, with 150 of those in leisure and hospitality. Gains were also estimated in health services, construction, and retail trade – each adding 20 jobs in June. Over the year, total payroll employment fell by 970 jobs, down 14.1 percent. Large declines occurred in leisure and hospitality jobs (-540) along with losses in private education and health services (-110), professional and business services (-30), financial activities (-20), information (-20), and retail trade (-20). Employment in all goods-producing industries declined since June