When Erlette Upshaw, Executive Director for Coos Elderly Services, and Dolly England, OHA Community Engagement Program Manager, were talking, Dolly mentioned that it would be cool to do something for back-to-school in Coos Bay. Dolly mentioned the comics, Beating Covid, that Northwest Disability Support had created to educate about COVID-19. Upshaw placed an order for 4,000 comics in English and another 1,000 in Spanish.  But what to do with the comics? “Ding, ding, ding!” said Upshaw. “Backpacks.” She ordered 4,000, and then she went to work getting supplies. On Saturday, Aug. 28, they were ready to hold the backpack giveaway at the mall. It was a drive-through event since there was a COVID-19 surge in Coos Bay. The event was set to start at 9 a.m. and several volunteers started setting up cones at 7:30 a.m. One family was so enthusiastic that they were already waiting. According to Upshaw, “And that gentleman says, well while I’m waiting, I might as well help you guys unload. So that community member got out and was helping us unload. And I’d say before 8 o’clock we already had like six other cars parked behind him waiting in line.” Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, all brought kids to pick out new backpacks. One thousand backpacks were handed out. Kids were excited to pick out their own backpacks, and even more excited to see what was in them. Besides the usual school supplies each pack had a comic book and PPE. Across the parking lot was a Safeway Pharmacy available for walk-in vaccination as well. Upshaw wasn’t sure how many folks got vaccinated, but she was sure of one thing – she saw a lot of smiles that day. Read the full story on Oregon Vaccine News.