Eugene Poets at NBPL, June 26

Eugene Poets Jenny Root, Karen Mcpherson and Tim Whitsel give a public reading at the North Bend Public Library on Saturday, June 27 at 1:00pm. This free event is part of a series of poetry readings featuring outstanding Northwest poets. Karen McPherson’s book Skein of Light was published in October 2014 by Airlie Press and is a grand finalist for the 2015 Eric Hoffer Award. She is Professor of French in Romance Languages at the University of Oregon. Jenny Root’s book The Company of Sharks was published in 2013. She was a program director for the Lane Literary Guild for a number of years and an assistant editor at Storyline Press Her poems have appeared in many journals including Basalt, Cloudbank, Poetry International and Windfall. Tim Whitsel is the author of We Say Ourselves, published by Traprock Press in 2012. Airlie Press will publish his new book of poems in October 2016. For six years he directed Windfall, a monthly reading series at the Eugene Public Library featuring Northwest writers. This reading is free and open to the public. For more information, call the library at 541-756-0400 or visit